Ureteroscopes are highly preferred option over traditional ureteroscopy

Ureteroscopes are instruments that have been designed to allow doctors (including surgeons) to look inside the reproductive organs. This is done by passing a thin, lightweight tube through the cervix and up to the vagina. Once there, the tube makes a turn inside the uterus and exits via the fallopian tubes. The purpose of this excursion is to look for problems in the uterus or ovaries, which can cause infertility or hormonal imbalance in women. They are able to find many problems that other instruments might miss. One of the most common uses for such device is when doctors make the very first ultrasound images of pregnancy. The Ureteroscope is able to detect whether or not the fetus is progressing normally through the maternal birth canal and is able to help determine the health of the mother's uterus. Doctors also use these devices when they make the first "cavity" ultrasound images of a woman's abdominal cavity, looking for problems that could be c...