Smart Railway Solutions Incorporate Latest Information Technology Concepts to Provide Real-Time Information


Smart Railway Solutions

Smart railway is a new concept, which seeks to improve the efficiency of transport by integrating digital technologies with the existing railway technology. The smart concept involves the integration of digital technology equipment and software on a compact modular rail system. Such system will help to increase the speed of trains, reduce waiting time for passengers and provide a reliable and flexible transport system.

Smart railway solutions incorporate the latest information technology concepts to provide real-time information to the train crew, locomotive engineer, and train crew supervisor etc. about the state of the train, the engine condition, and other essential information. With the help of such solutions, every aspect of the operational process will be streamlined and made user-friendly.

Smart railway solution uses real-time information provided by sensors fitted in the track, switch yard, engine, signals, and communication towers to generate and deliver real-time traffic information. The solutions consist of over 12 modules including digital control panels, communication towers, and complete control system. Smart railways are designed to support the entire freight traffic throughout the network. They are capable of managing multiple freight traffic types such as passenger, non-passenger, AC/DC, freight non-owner, and general traffic.

Smart railway network has many benefits. It improves customer satisfaction, reduces costs, and ensures the safety of the overall network. Apart from this, the network has some other major advantages. According to a research report by The European Commission, an integrated railway system is one that "suits the needs and situation of a given location and the people who will use it". Smart railway also ensures better freight logistics, increased productivity and improved customer satisfaction.

Smart railway solutions comprises of various technologies such as e-learning, SMS gateway, Big Data analytics, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and mobile solutions. The most significant advantage of using these advanced technologies is that it helps to save costs and improve efficiency. E-learning technology can be used for creating interactive and relevant train and railway maintenance manuals, video surveillance of stations, controlling distribution, controlling freight traffic, automated and informative signs, information management system, supply chain management software and manufacturing simulation and much more.

The e-learning solution provided by smart railway uses the latest digital signage technology and digital signage equipment. In the train stations, the signs can display live maps, bus schedules, railway system details and real-time video visuals. At bus stops, the graphic signs can display the destination, time and cost of a ticket. The Big Data analytics provided by the system allows the users to generate customized reports for future planning and scheduling, which can include fare costs and average travel time.

The SMS gateway is an important component of SMS technology used in smart railways. With this, customers can receive messages containing information, which include fare costs, schedule, rail destination, stop name, etc. The SMS services are also used in customer management systems that allow customers to check the status of a train and other information.


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