Increasing Production of Aluminum to Boost Adoption of Aluminum Aerosol Cans in Various Sectors


Aerosol cans are used in industrial, healthcare, and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Increasing production of aluminum is expected to boost adoption of these cans. For instance, according to USGS, in the U.S., primary aluminum production in January 2020 was 92,000 metric tons. The average daily production in January 2020 was 2,980 tons, 40% more than that in January 2018.

Aluminum aerosol cans have been reported increasing sales rates all around the world. There are several reasons behind this success. The packaging is easy to use, clean, durable and user-friendly. They also are environmentally friendly and sustainable, both of which are important in today s' eco-conscious society. Plus, using compressed air to create aerosol cans cuts down on waste and can save money over time.


Many consumers do not realize how easy it is to recycle aerosol cans and other packaging that come with a can or a jar. Aluminum aerosol cans can be recycled by separating out the metallic material inside the can and then contacting a recycling company for disposal. In Japan, consumers need to follow stringent garbage disposal rules. Garbage must be disposed of in designated bags separated into three categories of burnable garbage, non-burnable garbage, or glass containers and PET bottles, and put out on the scheduled days. Aluminum aerosol cans fall into non-burnable items.

As mentioned, aluminum aerosol cans are inexpensive, meaning they can be easily reused. Once again, this cuts down on waste and helps the environment. If you're wondering whether or not it's possible to recycle aluminum aerosol cans, the answer is a resounding yes. In fact, many manufacturers do their best to make sure their products are recycled whenever possible. They have recycling bins designated for every individual can, so if you notice one being thrown away, odds are it's sitting in a recycling bin somewhere! In addition, when you are buying aluminum aerosol cans from a manufacturer, you may be able to trade in your current aerosol can for a newer model or a different size, which means less waste altogether.

It's not just the containers that benefit from recycling; many aerosol systems and equipment like can openers and candles also benefit from the practice. Can openers for example can contain lead, a toxic substance that's been banned from many schools because it's known to cause harm to young children. However, if the can opener is used to dispense whipped cream, coffee, or chocolate, the lead in the can could Leach into the cream or into the drink, potentially causing health issues over time. Luckily, if you purchase an aerosol cans recycled, you can place your aerosol cans in with your other recyclables and help reduce the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. Many manufacturers work closely with local landfills to ensure that all of their products can be recycled; from cardboard boxes to paper and plastic packaging to candy wrappers, you can help by recycling anything that has the potential to go to landfill and to also save the environment.


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