Travelling: Importance and Benefits in Human Life


Travelling is the movement of humans between different distant geographical locations. Travelling can be done with or without luggage, by foot, by car, train, plane, boat or other transport means and is one way to another /place or around the globe. There are many ways to travel, but most people choose a mode of travel depending on their destination and time constraints.

Benefits of Travelling

The advantages of travelling include stress and anxiety reduction to alleviating tension. Above all, travelling can improve one’s mental well-being, creativity and provide a sense of satisfaction.

The first of these benefits is that travelling opens up new opportunities for a person. Whether a person is travelling for business or pleasure, travelling opens one’s eyes to new places, new people, new cultures and new opportunities. Being unaccustomed to a certain lifestyle, country or company can feel foreign and can actually take some getting used to. With travelling, a person will also experience the benefits of opening their mind. While travelling a person will have the opportunity to see and meet people from other cultures and backgrounds. The mind will expand and one will gain an insight into their daily life. While gaining insight into their daily life, a person is also gaining insight into their own daily life and into how they perceive and deal with situations.

Impact on Human Life

Travelling brings forth exciting opportunities and bring enlightenment to people’s mind by taking a break from the everyday chaos an individual goes through. It enables one to get away from a mundane routine of housework, commuting, work and cooking, which in itself can be quite a chore, to simply have delightful thoughts and wonderful experiences in an entirely different place. But travelling also has its own set of problems and has been a subject of many debates between philosophers and romantics for many centuries now.

Travelling as a Lifestyle

With the cost of fuel increasing dramatically, travelling as a lifestyle might seem expensive when one could so easily travel within their budget. But it means that a person is not restricted to any one particular type of accommodation and can experience a wide variety of different areas across the globe.


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