Smart Governments can play a critical role in improving the quality of life for the population and find new solutions for different problems


Smart government does not mean a government that knows best; it means a government that can use technology to help solve problems. Smart governments must be able to combine knowledge, data, and technology to deliver better services. Too often the government spends more on information technology than it invests in programs to improve government efficiency. This makes it more difficult for the government to understand and implement better applications. There must also be an understanding of where the government should be looking to help achieve efficiencies.

Smart governments realize that public safety is one of the most important aspects of public service. That means they invest in data-warehousing, terrorism intelligence, visa applications, and other tools of the trade to protect the American public. Businesses depend on government regulations and rules to provide safe working environments and maintain quality customer service. Without the ability to interact with suppliers and providers, businesses and their customers will suffer. One final benefit of smart government is that it increases the stability of the political system. With an increase in the quality and reliability of government, we can rest assured that our government can continue to function without having to deal with perpetual crisis and controversy

The smart government works to develop solutions to pressing problems by investing in emerging technologies. By learning from its neighbors and observing what they do, the smart government will continue to innovate and find solutions to new problems, even when those problems may not be readily apparent. For instance, the U.S. military recognizes the need for better data security to avoid cyber-attacks. A group of private enterprise and government researchers combined with a group of high-level executives decided that the solution was to build a system that would filter emails based on keywords. The idea is to allow military personnel to receive only those emails they want when they want it. Recently, in February 2020, Datacard released new passwordless SSO and digital identity proofing offerings for hospitals, banks, and government entities.


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