Surgical Glues Find Application in Various Surgeries and Reconstruction of Peripheral Nerves


Surgical glues are used for skin suture. These glues is also used in pre-production models and prototypes for implants and other forms of surgical equipment. It is most commonly found in the medical profession, particularly where surgery is involved. Glues are commonly used in the process of hip replacement, and their use should be approved by your surgeon. This means that you may find them in hospitals, operating theatres, and surgical centers.

Surgical glues are also widely used in dental procedures. For example, if a tooth needs to be pulled out, or a root canal needs to be done, then the doctor will usually use these to hold the tooth or teeth in place during the procedure. They are also used to hold the tooth above a filling material so that it doesn't slip out. Many people use them to help prevent tooth decay when they eat foods that are hard or chewy.

The demand for surgical glues is expected to increase with increasing number of surgeries and growing geriatric population. According to the study ‘Osteoarthritis in Europe: Impact on health status, work productivity and use of pharmacotherapies in five European countries’ that examined the impact of peripheral joint osteoarthritis across five European countries, UK (43.6%), France, (25.6%), Germany, (15.2%), Spain, (8.4%), and Italy (7.1%) recorded high prevalence of peripheral joint osteoarthritis, with majority of cases aging 55-74 years. Such scenario is expected to boost demand for bone glues.

In the recent past, medical device companies are focused on using surgical glues in the reconstruction of peripheral nerves. In January 2018, Gecko Biomedical received a funding of US$6 million under the Investments for the Future Program for R&D in reconstruction of peripheral nerves using 3D-printed micro-conducts secured by one of the company’s exclusive adhesives.


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