Asphalt Additives Ensure the Safety of Travelers and Vehicles Worldwide From Getting Injured or Damaged Due To High Level of Road Friction

Asphalt additives are highly used in regions such as the U.S., U.K. and Italy for better road construction. Asphalt or bitumen is a black, sticky, highly viscous form of petroleum and is used for surfacing roads, roofing, flooring, etc. They can be in the form of gels, liquid, and powders. The main function of asphalt additives is to enhance the aesthetics of the pavement by providing the necessary traction for vehicle traffic.

Asphalt additives


Asphalt is mostly prepared from natural gases and liquids such as oil and coal. The preparation process involves the blending of the materials with various chemicals and heat, rolling it into coarse aggregate or fine aggregate. The fine aggregate paving material is usually more durable and able to bear heavier loads. The coarse aggregate type of asphalt additives however is cheaper to use and used on smaller pavements. They are however prone to flaking and must therefore be applied more frequently to ensure the same thickness of the asphalt. To improve road construction, many contractors have started using these additives to give the finished surface of the road more durability and to avoid the risk of road defects that can cause damage to cars or other automobiles.

In the U.S. asphalt roads is the main base of the wide transportation network of the country. Asphalt additives make roads stronger and better which results in a reduced rate of accident. In past, especially in rural regions of the U.S., roads used to be not paved with asphalts, which used to result in increased accidents in the countryside. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonprofit U.S. organization, stated in a report that in 2018 the rate of crash deaths per 100 million miles traveled was double in rural areas than in urban areas mainly due to the situations of the road. However, after building roads with asphalt additives the accident rates decreased 2% to 3% in a year. Hence keeping in mind the road safety concerns and the growth of automotive industries in the rural regions of the U.S. asphalt additives is an important factor in road construction. Many U.S. based companies are launching products and joining hands for improving road safety issues. For instance, in July 2019, Deere & Company acquire the Wirngten group to enhance their already established product portfolio.


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