Mine Clearance System or Demining; the Process of Removing Landmines from Area


Mine clearance system, also known as demining, is used to remove land mines from the route or particular area. This system is widely used by military and defense sectors. There are mine clearance organizations that are engaged in the elimination of landmines. Moreover, there are various methods, such as acoustic methods, electromagnetic methods, etc., used for detecting land mines and for the mine clearance. Mine clearance systems are used to detect and remove landmines, however, it is a dangerous activity, although personal protective equipment does not protect against all types of landmines.


The mine clearance system or demining system uses detectors and mechanical devices to minesweeping and removal mines from a particular location. Alternative means include manual operation aided by equipment, such as acoustics, trained animals, and metal detectors, to detect explosives. Specially trained dogs help narrow down the search and mechanical devices such as excavators and flails are used to clear mines. The main governments that fund humanitarian mine clearance are the Netherlands, Norway, Japan, the European Union, and the United States, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Germany are also significant donors.

Demining or mine clearance is the procedure of eliminating underground landmines in an area by using machines called demining equipment. The main objective of military personnel in military campaigns is to quickly clear a route through a mine field, and this can be done with the help of machines, such as blast waves and mine plows. These equipment are often operated by military personnel who are skilled and trained in using them. They are designed to withstand incredible weight and have the strength to dig into the earth. The purpose of the humanitarian mine clearance system is to clear the land so that the safety and well-being of the population is not threatened by the existence of landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW).


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