Metabolase Inhibitor (MIG) is one of the popular drug used in the neurodegenerative disease treatment


Neurodegenerative diseases are a set of disorders or diseases that affect the brain's neurons. The damage caused by these diseases may be progressive or degenerative. The progression of neurodegenerative disorders leads to the degeneration of neurons. Common neurodegenerative disorders include Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's' disease, stroke, Huntington's disease, stroke with loss of consciousness, and brain death. Neurodegenerative disorders may also affect the nerves, tissues, or organs involved in the central nervous system.

neurodegenerative disease treatment


There are currently numerous ongoing clinical trials testing new drugs and treatments for neurodegenerative disorders. Two drugs in development for Alzheimer's disease have received FDA approval. The first is an anti-amyloid peptide or AMP that is currently being tested for treatment of mild cognitive impairment in patients. The second is an antipsychotic drug, or antipsychotic agents, that are used to treat people with moderate Alzheimer's disease.

Another drug in development for neurodegenerative disease treatment, and insulin metabolite called Metabolase Inhibitor (MIG), is also being tested for use in treating patients with diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. There are several other molecules in development that are in clinical trials. The molecules under development include inhibitors of proteinases and acetylcholine receptors, gene transcription factors, insulin sensitizers, cytokines, chemo antioxidants, nicotinic acid, tricyclic antidepressants, insulin receptors agonists, glycine synthetase inhibitors, flavonoids, and vasodilators. Neurodegenerative diseases have affected millions of people all around the world; therefore, there is an urgent need to find effective treatments for these debilitating diseases.

Another drug in development for neurodegenerative disease treatment is Cholinesterase Inhibitor (CIG), which are being tested in clinical trials for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, depression and anxiety, and other types of neurodegenerative disorders. CIG prevents or reduces the ability of a molecule called acetylcholine, which is produced when acetylcholine is released from nerve cells in the brain. CIG was designed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as a medication to be taken after surgery to prevent the production of acetylcholine in nerve cells and in other parts of the body. CIG is also being developed for use in treating Alzheimer's and other types of dementia. CIG is expected to enter the market in the next five years.

In the Asia Pacific, the top-grossing drug is in pre-clinical development and testing called translational medication. This is a Japanese-produced drug called RN-1 that is being tested in the non-alcoholic hepatitis treatment field. The forecast period for this product is five to ten years. Another strong new non-alcoholic hepatitis therapy is scheduled to enter the market next. It is called CIBER technology, which stands for the Cerebral Biochemical Research in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

These are just two examples of new drugs in development for use in the neurodegenerative disease treatment market. Many other drugs in development are being studied at present by various pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in various countries. However, the strategies and the methods being employed by the researchers differ widely in the different countries. For example, while researchers in Japan have been studying Ca++ channels, they are using very different methods in Europe and Africa. Therefore, the exact method used in Europe or the Asia Pacific may not necessarily work in Africa or America.


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