
Showing posts from February, 2021

Robot Teach Pendant Is a Handheld Unit Used To Program Industrial Robots

The teach pendant is the most common interface to program an industrial robot. Robot teach pendant is the perfect way to provide hands-on training to a robot or autonomous system. It allows robots to react and work along with their human counterparts. Since they are trained to do certain things only when their human trainers tell them to, they are able to operate more effectively and safely than without human supervision. Humans would not be able to give as much feedback or instruction to a robot that was never there before, and that is one of the reasons why robotic applications are such a hit.   The teach pendant is probably the oldest, with more than 90 percent of industrial robots still programmed this way. The basic characteristic of the teach pendant is how the robotic robot is driven by a series of commands. A teach pendant using controls to move the robot in some coordinate systems is frequently used in the fabrication industry to drive the machi...

Spacesuit; a Garment Worn To Keep a Human Alive In the Outer Space

  The spacesuit is a full-body garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh environment of outer space. Spacesuits are widely used by space agencies across the world, such as the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), for the astronaut survival in the outer space. They are used for many types of activities in outer space including carrying out experiments, carrying out operations, or protecting oneself from the elements. Spacesuits are also designed to wear by astronauts in space stations.     Spacesuits are commonly worn by astronauts during space missions as a safety precaution against losing cabin pressure and have been used for extravehicular activities, work performed outside of space vehicles, and even inside of the aircraft. Over the years, however, the design of spacesuits has changed with advances in materials and technologies. Today, it is made of high-tech materials that are light weight and have various pr...

Nanocoatings are very effective and provide protection from various environmental factors

  Nanocoatings have gained popularity in the last few years for various reasons. There are many advantages of nanocoatings when compare and contrast with traditional materials for boats such as fiberglass, composite, Kevlar, etc.    Nanocoatings refer to the application of coatings to structures in order to protect them from corrosion, wear and tear and increase their overall performance. Coatings are generally applied on steel, concrete, granite, tiles, cast iron, granite and wood. One of the most important and most frequently used forms of nanocoatings is the corrosion protection. The main advantages of using these coatings are corrosion protection, water resistance, anti-fog, fire resistance and visual effects. There are various types of available, which include barrier coatings, friction coatings, epoxy coatings, etc. The other advantage of is that they do not allow any sort of corrosion due to saltwater or chemicals in the seawater. There are various t...

Motorized Control Valves; Regulate or Manipulate the Flow of Gas, Oil, Water, or Steam

  Motorized control valves are widely used in hydronic heating and cooling systems. They are used to control the flow of gases and fluids through an electric actuator. Motorized control valves find significant applications in various industry verticals, such as power generation, chemical manufacture, oil & gas industry, water & wastewater treatment, etc. The main benefit is that they provide a simplified method of regulating the production and flow of gas, thereby eliminating the guesswork and human error that may cause a gas flow to be too low or too high.   There are a variety of different industrial applications for control valves, including refrigeration control, chemical and biological control, nuclear applications, and oil and gas operations and applications. These valves are usually used for the transfer of the flow of a fluid or gas to another specific area. The operation of these valves is controlled by an in-built engine or control circuit, which...

Hearing Aids; Sound Amplifying Medical Devices Used To Treat Hearing Impairment

  A hearing aid is a medical device intended to enhance hearing by producing sound normally audible to an individual with impaired hearing. There are many types of hearing aids available in the market, such as in the canal hearing aids, in the ear hearing aids, completely in the ear hearing aids, receiver in the ear hearing aids, and behind the ear hearing aids. The most common ones are the digital hearing aids and are the easiest to operate and use. Hearing aids are classified as therapeutic devices in most countries and usually regulated by the regulatory agencies. They are also covered by standard insurance policies in most cases.   Among all, behind the ear hearing aids type is mostly preferred by people with issues as it fits comfortably behind the ear. It is a small electronic device that comprises various components such as batteries, receiver, amplifier circuitry, and a microphone. Hearing aids capture, amplify, and deliver sound into the ear canal. The h...

Waterborne Coatings Are High-Performance And Eco-Friendly Solution Widely Used For Protecting The Surface

  Advancement in the waterborne coatings has added a great deal to their durability and performance. There are a lot of benefits associated with Waterborne Coatings. There is a wide range of advantages when it comes to cutting through many kinds of obstacles such as tough metals, oils, grease, and other liquids. There are a lot of new and advanced coatings that have been developed by various industries based on the resistance to damage caused by these substances. The protection of an individual as well as a company from the harmful effects of these substances is one of the primary advantages that Waterborne Coatings offer. There are two main categories that we can classify waterborne coatings according to their properties. The first category is based on resistivity or physical resistance. According to this classification, there are various waterborne formulations that resist corrosion and those that are resistant to oxidation. These formulations are also classified a...

Rise in exploration and mining activities is driving demand for petrochemicals

  Petrochemicals are the raw materials used in the extraction, processing, and production of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and petroleum diesel. These chemical-related industries constitute one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors of the global economy. Petrochemicals account for more than half of China's total GDP.   Today, China's most active oil refining and production company is the Shanghai Petrochemical Group Co. Ltd., which is one of the biggest industrial users of petrochemicals in China. At present, Shanghai possesses a number of refineries and plants involved in the processes including liquid blending, solvent extraction, photolysis, carbon dioxide oxidation, bromination, and transesterification. They are divided into two categories, aromatic chemicals, and alkaloids. Among the alkaloids, the most popular and common one is naphtha. Naphtha is commonly used as a solvent in several chemical reactions as it is easily avai...

Adoption of Reuse Programs and Use of Recycled Materials in Production to Promote Sustainable Glass Packaging

  Glass packaging is made from thick, clear glass that can either be clear or frosted. It is used in storage and transport of various products in the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food and beverages sector. The demand for glass for packaging applications is expected to increase with growing demand for prepacked food products in the food and beverages sector. For instance, according to the U.S Department of Agriculture, export of prepared food from U.S. increased from US$ 5, 849 million in 2015 to US$ 6,682 million in 2019.   Manufacturing It is a common practice that many manufacturers focus on adapting low-cost production processes in manufacture of glass packaging materials. However, in doing so they often compromise the quality of the end product. Sustainability Glass packaging manufacturers must demonstrate their commitment to minimizing the impact of their business on the environment, as well as the care they take when manufacturing their products. B...

Carbon Nanotubes (CNT); Well-Suited For a Range of Applications in Various End-Use Industries

  Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical tubes made of carbon with diameters usually measuring in nanometers. The diameter of a carbon nanotube is much smaller than the diameter of the tip of a needle. Carbon nanotubes exhibit higher electrical and thermal conductivity compared to conventional copper tubes. Carbon nanotubes play vital role in medical device components, dental filling, and body implants. Moreover, they are functionalized with bioactive peptides, nucleic acids, proteins, and drugs for targeted drug delivery to the cells and organs.   Carbon nanotubes enhance the strength of many polymers and thus find applications in various end-use industries such as aerospace, automotive, defense and construction. They increase the mechanical and tensile strength of different components, which makes them 20 times stronger than steel. Moreover, carbon nanotubes are much lighter than steel. Thus, the demand for carbon nanotubes is increasing in various end-use industries....

Hot and Cold Therapy Packs are Providing To Be Critical In the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries and Relieve Muscle Spasms

  Hot and cold therapy packs are designed to be carried on the body as they cool the body down after being exposed to heat or cold temperatures for a short period of time. The gel pack has been scientifically designed with the ability to change the body's blood flow, resulting in increased blood flow throughout the entire body. These packs offer pain relief and are often used before and after physical therapy or surgery. This type of pack for treatment is also ideal to help relieve muscle spasms in patients that have had a fall. By using the packs in addition to other forms of therapy, it can also help to reduce pain related to muscle strains, sprains, and fractures. The science behind how these gel packs work is that they are capable of changing the normal blood flow to the tissues surrounding the area of treatment. As a result, the swelling will be reduced and one may experience an increase in flexibility in your muscles. In addition to their use for athletes, pati...

Increasing Number of Dentists and High Prevalence of Dental Disorders to Boost Demand for Dental Implants

  Dental implants are a new and emerging concept in cosmetic dentistry that have gained tremendous popularity in the last few years. These implants are basically a surgically installed metallic component that interfaces directly with the tooth or gum of the patient to serve as an anchor, root or crown. This procedure allows for the easy moving and placement of tooth implants (or crown) so they may be placed and replaced whenever required. The process eliminates the need for the traditional 'tooth extraction' procedure that is often required by some procedures and helps maintain the oral health of patients better. It is crucial to realize that dental implants may not be suitable for every patient and it is always advisable to discuss this with your dentist. There are many factors involved including the type of tooth and oral health prior to the decision regarding placement is made. In addition to this, the size, shape and the position of teeth also contribute tow...

Androgenetic Alopecia Treatment Is Helping Individuals Receiving From Pattern Baldness And Recurrent Hair Loss

  Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is an incredibly common condition in both women and men. It causes small patches of baldness on the head and, usually, very minimal skin shedding or scarring. The pattern is normally diffuse and can look almost identical on either the face or scalp, although individual hair losses can be varyingly varied. The pattern usually changes over time, sometimes looking more like a "halo" or "hide-around" pattern, and then more symmetrical again. A recent study showed that nearly three-quarters of all men and almost a quarter of all women have this type of alopecia. Another study revealed that women who were using topical applications of adipose-derived stem cell (HSGC) at three weeks had significantly more hair than women who did not use the topical product. Moreover, the regrowth of hair was consistent and durable, indicating that the product works when taken as directed. The 24 weeks trial was co...

Acousto-optics Devices are being increasingly used in dental applications as well as research laboratories

  Acousto-Optics is an exciting branch of technology that studies the acoustic interactions between sound waves and ultrasound waves, particularly the diffraction of visible light through an optics lens. These waves have far less energy than the sound waves so they are super quiet and traveling at the speed of light. The light that hits one of these waves will be bent around the lens and will reflect back to the detector. This way, the differences in frequencies can be measured and used to create an array of extremely sensitive instruments.  Acousto-optic devices are used in many applications including space vehicles. Some of the most common items in this field include radar systems, sonar, and ultrasound guns. The technology used in these devices allows them to detect differences in frequencies. They can also measure the acoustic properties of objects. Acoustic wave systems are also used in medical and dental practices. In dental practices, such system...

Emergence of Covid-19 and Other Immunological Diseases to Boost Focus on Immune Check Activators

  In immunology, immune check activators are involved in the transformation of various cell types in the body's immune response to specific antigens. The term for this transformation is called immunological activation. On the other hand, immunosuppression is the transformation in the opposite direction. This is used to block the body's natural ability to fight diseases and infections. The activated cells then travel to nearby areas such as the lymph nodes or other areas of the body to help fight off infections. When the cells return to the T-cells or B-cells, they start creating differentiation and growth. Such maturation of the T-cells or B-cells is what is known as an autoimmune response. In the importance of immune check activators is expected to increase with the emergence of Covid-19. For instance, in U.S. from Jan 3 to 4:22pm CET, 18 February 2021, there have been 27,491,574 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 484,379 deaths. A lymphoid tissue is a specific ...

High Prevalence of Cancer and Integration of Augmented Reality to Boost Demand for Tumor Ablation Devices

  Tumor ablation is the surgical procedure of removing damaged cells from the affected area. The procedure may be done to cure cancer or any other disease, but mostly it is done for treating non-cancerous tumors. The general methods used in performing this surgical procedure is laser ablation. The use of tumor ablation devices depends on which kind of tumor you have. For instance, for a squamous cell carcinoma tumor, laser ablation is the best option. Focal ablation also includes, cryotherapy, which uses extremely cold gases to eliminate cancer tissue. Use of laser ablation technique is also beneficial in the treatment of brain tumor. Laser ablation allows surgeons to ablate tumor tissue in areas of the brain not accessible to open surgery. Focal ablation is a novel ablation technique used in the treatment of intermediate-risk prostate cancer. The technique eliminates a predefined region of the prostate gland that harbors clinically significant disease. Tumor ablati...

Smart Governments can play a critical role in improving the quality of life for the population and find new solutions for different problems

  Smart government does not mean a government that knows best; it means a government that can use technology to help solve problems. Smart governments must be able to combine knowledge, data, and technology to deliver better services. Too often the government spends more on information technology than it invests in programs to improve government efficiency. This makes it more difficult for the government to understand and implement better applications. There must also be an understanding of where the government should be looking to help achieve efficiencies. Smart governments realize that public safety is one of the most important aspects of public service. That means they invest in data-warehousing, terrorism intelligence, visa applications, and other tools of the trade to protect the American public. Businesses depend on government regulations and rules to provide safe working environments and maintain quality customer service. Without the ability to interact with ...

Women's Health Rehabilitation Products in High Demand with Increasing Geriatric Population and High Prevalence of Osteoarthritis

  Women's health is a subset of public health, with its own focus, agenda, and monitoring system. The scope and quality of healthcare for women have come a long way over the past few decades. Advancements in preventive care, treatment for serious illness, women's health rehabilitation products, and access to quality health care in rural communities are all facets of the healthcare movement for women. In addition to expanding treatment options, these programs have helped to reduce health spending by encouraging better nutritional choices and creating better environments for good health. Programs also have helped to raise the profile of older women who are at the greatest risk for conditions that can affect their long-term health and that affect their family's health. Despite these strides in overall health, women are still facing issues that can negatively impact their health and that can make it more difficult for them to be successful in achieving healthy liv...

Surgical Glues Find Application in Various Surgeries and Reconstruction of Peripheral Nerves

  Surgical glues are used for skin suture. These glues is also used in pre-production models and prototypes for implants and other forms of surgical equipment. It is most commonly found in the medical profession, particularly where surgery is involved. Glues are commonly used in the process of hip replacement, and their use should be approved by your surgeon. This means that you may find them in hospitals, operating theatres, and surgical centers. Surgical glues are also widely used in dental procedures. For example, if a tooth needs to be pulled out, or a root canal needs to be done, then the doctor will usually use these to hold the tooth or teeth in place during the procedure. They are also used to hold the tooth above a filling material so that it doesn't slip out. Many people use them to help prevent tooth decay when they eat foods that are hard or chewy. The demand for surgical glues is expected to increase with increasing number of surgeries and growing ge...

Optogenetics Finds Application in Treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alopecia, Muscular Dystrophy, and Idiopathic Scars

  Optogenetics refers to the use of light to manipulate targeted neurons to exhibit light-sensing properties. In recent years, this field has help to highlight the contribution of specific cell types to the function of biological tissues. It has helped give impetus to large, national-scale brain-research projects such as the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative, which was launched in the U.S in 2013. This state of the art technology has now found its niche in the field of cosmetic medicine and it is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, alopecia, muscular dystrophy, and idiopathic scars, all of which are conditions that remain incurable through traditional treatments. The technology underlying optogenetics is rather simple and it consists of two major components. The first one is the incorporation of cytogenetic beads into the living or dead cells. The second component is the implantation of fluorescent tags inside these ce...

Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Are Most Widely Used Technologies in Hair Removal Devices

  Hair removal is the deliberate removal of body hair. Depilation and epilation are the two forms of hair removal processes. There are various hair removal devices available in the market. In the U.S., electrology is a widely used method for permanent hair removal. It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Another FDA-approved device is Triton. Manufactured by InMode Ltd., a manufacturer and distributor of medical-aesthetic technology, it was approved in 2018 and uses high power laser to offer simultaneous multi-wavelength hair removal firing. Laser hair removal is the method of choice for millions of people worldwide. While laser treatment is not invasive, it can be painful, especially in sensitive areas such as the upper lip and neck. It also requires several treatments, which can take longer than shaving or waxing, meaning that some people simply can't manage it, leaving the treatment to the professionals. Some women may find the pain too much to h...

Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) Treatment options offer significant relief in passing stool and reduce pain

  Chronic Idiopathic Constipation is a medical condition in which the muscles that help you move stool do not function normally. When they are not functioning as they should, the stool is usually hard and dry. This means it is difficult to pass from one part of your body to another. The most common symptoms of this condition include straining, frequent urges to go potty, and an uncomfortable feeling after passing stool. Although there are various options of chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) treatment , the best way to find relief is to try natural remedies first. Unlike drugs, there are no side effects and no health risks at all.    Eating fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables is very important. Fibrous foods help to soften stools, which makes it easier to expel them. Fiber also helps your body absorb the nutrients in the food. Since fiber makes it easier for your body to digest food, this is the main reason why it helps to lose weight. Another tr...

Anti-epileptic Drugs for Pediatrics have become far more efficient with fewer side-effects and more effective results

  Anti-epileptic drugs for pediatrics are a diverse collection of anticonvulsant drugs used for the symptomatic treatment of seizure disorders. The names of the drugs come from their chemical makeup. They are commonly known as anti-epileptics or antipsychotic drugs. Anti-epileptics are also being utilized in the therapy of diabetic neuropathy since many seem to act like neuropathic pain suppressants, and for the symptomatic treatment of epilepsy, as many appear to be anticonvulsant.   One family of antiepileptic drugs is Carbamazepine, which acts on two types of brain cells - Basal cell (Sertraline) and Delayed Cell Death (DCD). It works by blocking a receptor that prevents sodium channels from being open to the nerve impulses that can travel to the synapses. It has few side effects and is generally effective in epileptic patients with mild or moderate cases. For treatment in children, it has been found to be efficacious and safe. However, it tends to reduce perf...

In-mold Label (In-mould Labelling); An Integral Part of the Food and Beverage Industry

  In-mould label (also known as in-mould labelling) is the use of plastic or paper labels during the manufacturing of containers by injection molding, blow molding, or thermoforming processes. The in-mould label serves as the integral part of the final product, which is then delivered as pre-decorated item. In-mold labels provide flexibility and lower production costs over conventional decorating technologies and post-molding labels. In-mould labels use a wide variety of textures, special effects, and colors. In-mould labels are aesthetically appealing and durable. The in-mold label process is completed using a plastic injection molded process, do not undergo any secondary processes, therefore excluding equipment costs, labor costs, post-molding labeling, and time required. In-mold labeling is widely used as a front-line branding and marketing tool for consumer goods. In-mould label technology has the potential to produce high quality, flexible labels with better print quality a...

Hematology is a medical science field that assist experts to develop treatments for patients suffering from disease

  Hematology is an interdisciplinary field of medicine that mainly concerns itself with the study of blood. It involves the collection and analysis of blood from various parts of the body including the venous, cervical, lymph, and bone marrow. The information gained from the analysis of blood helps medical experts to develop diagnostic tests and treatments. It has a wide range of specialized activities including the research of causes and treatments of acute and chronic conditions, such as allergic reactions, bleeding disorders, leukemia, and cancer. Other diseases that are associated with blood include hemophilia, thrombosis, and autoimmune diseases such as systemic Lupus erythematosus and fibromyalgia syndrome. The term hematology was derived from Greek words that mean "blood". The primary objective of this medical specialty is to prevent disease and treat disorders of the blood and its components. The major function of Hematology is to maintain and protect ...

How Leishmaniasis is caused? What are the various Leishmaniasis treatment available today?

  Leishmaniasis is a skin infection caused by the leishmaniasis bacterium. It is not transmitted through any kind of insect or mammal. The disease is caused by a strain of the bacterium entering the skin and causing the red sores called plaques. These plaques look like a rash, but the main symptom is the development of joints and muscles that are deformed and painless. There are various types of Leishmaniasis treatment available today for the disease. Most treatments involve topical medications, such as creams that can be apply to the affected area of skin. There are also pills that can be used to treat this condition. Topical creams and other types of Leishmaniasis medications are typically used along with antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the Leishmaniasis bacterium from developing into a resistant form that may be resistant to even the most potent antibiotics. There is no known cure for Leishmaniasis. The infected person must remain diligent to ...

The Versatility of Thermoplastic Elastomer Compounds; a Quick Overview

  Thermoplastic elastomers are a kind of synthetic polymer or a composite of thermoplastics and polymers which include different substances having both thermo-plastic and elastic properties. This class of materials was first introduced in the 1950s, based on the idea that elastomers can be condensed into a liquid, retaining their thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties. Thermoplastic elastomers have the ability to expand and contract based on the temperature, thereby creating a wide range of applications. Some of the best known elastomer materials are silicone elastomers which have become popular in the past decade, due to their ability to resist heat, friction, compression, and electricity. Classified thermoplastic elastomers, thermoplastic polyamides, thermoplastic copolyester, thermoplastic polyurethanes, thermoplastic vulcanizates, thermoplastic polyolefin elastomers, and styrenic block copolymers are some of the generic classes of commercial thermoplastic ...

Bioelectronics Find Application in Repair of Injuries By Means of Electrical Stimulation and in the Treatment of General Musculoskeletal/Soft-Tissue Pain

  The field of bioelectronics has an impact on how we think about and treat the body, how medical professionals test medical specimens, and how drug research is conducted. Bioelectronics is in the process of rapidly advancing towards creating electronic medical equipment that could substitute all the traditional parts of an EKG or ultrasound machine. It has opened up new possibilities for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases through the identification and stimulation of biological systems.   Organic bioelectronics (OBOE) involves the study of organic materials used in electronic applications. Organic materials include sugars, metals, and organic compounds. They are used to develop and design new electronic systems based on these organic materials. OBOE have unique electrical properties and thus form an attractive platform for developing new electronic devices. OBOE are organic devices which are designed to couple a source of power with electronic signals produ...